

Easy way to make pizza!

Actually da takde kerja sangat (since everybody else is very busy visiting relatives and my siblings are also extremely busy visiting Low Yat, i decided to make pizza on the 2nd day of syawal. What a way to spend raya day =P


A.G.M.G said...

salam, few questions here...
1. what sauce/paste did u use? tomato or bbq?
2. is that beef?
3.what is that yellow sauce? is it mustard or just parmesan cheese??..

Unknown said...

1. pizza sauce= tomato puree + olive oil + onion + garlic + black pepper + italian herbs + salt

2. yup, beef
3. neither parmesan nor mustard, but cheddar + mozarella (usually org guna parmesan + mozarella, tp tak terjumpa lak parmesan waktu korek2 fridge. jumpa cheddar and mozarella je so just used em huu)

A.G.M.G said...

mozarella...hmm... yum2,,

Nana Farhanna said...

heee sedap2.. ;) bleh la wat kat kiter nt ek.. hihi

Nana Farhanna said...

alamk, tgk ur pizza buat kite lapar plak.. dh la mkn megi je td.. ni la nasib org kat perantauan, tmbh nk submit thesis in a few days.. :(

haha em since we're soon to be neighbours kan.. soooo... nt kot tlebih msk call me and i'll be there in a sec.. hahaha kidding.. :P

Unknown said...

buwekk u ni bab sedeqah2 kat neighbour laju je eh haha. xp i kenang jasa u slalu ajak kitorng mkn kat umah u dulu hehe. insyaAllah boleh je, dtg la my house. tp klu after that u nak wat laporan diarrhea ke, ape ke tak dilayan k =P