

1st scan

I had my first scan :) And baby has been residing cosily in mommy's tummy for 6 weeks Alhamdulillah :) I went to an O&G clinic of Dr. Lina Halbouni, unfortunately they have this strict no-man land in the clinic, so abang was not permitted to be with me. Obviously he missed the wonderful chance to look at our baby hehe. I'll try to obtain an image when I do the scan in Malaysia. Please pray for the well being of mommy and baby :)

I complaint to the doc of my severe GI symptoms especially during the night (I say it's severe as I couldn't sleep the whole night, so was abang huuu). She said it was normal and suggested that I adopt herbal medicine such as drinking green tea rather than taking medication. I'm thinking of taking Antiemetic 3 times daily as I want to join abang in touring Jordan this Wednesday huu..(pastu nanti dlm kereta sibuk nak muntah je)

Yesterday we went to Balad with the intention to go to the clinic, but it was late and the clinic had closed. While walking, I found a shop selling Samosa, and I couldn't resist the temptation to buy it, although in the end I didn't finish it..nafsu..nafsu. Abang tak bagi beli sebab jual tepi jalan, tapi berkeras juga nak beli. In the end I ate it alone sebab abang tak selera nak makan. Dah makan sikit buang2 pulak haih...haih.

Now I really want these:

1. Karipap & Samosa instant Mama Mimi!! (Fatihah Frozen Food)
2. Bihun sup kat cafe hospital HTAA



'atiqah said...

Salam.Maryam muntah teruk ye? em, tkah fhm sbb dulu pn, sampai bln ke 5, nk g kls pn, smpt muntah 4x takpe..ada makcik ckp, nnt insyaALLAH sng bersalin.. (look at me. msk OT, smpai tak rase pape =p)

Btw,enjoy this very great moment of becoming a mommy..yg ptg, jgn biar perut kosong..

Kami sentiasa doakan kalian dari jauh..Damia' dan ibu die krm slm kt baby =) dgn ucapan, dok diam2 tau dlm tummy tu dan besar dgn sihat la kamu ye =)

p/s: ei, pandai pulak maryam mengidam macam2 ye =p tambah2, jauh dr msia skrg..nnt blk sn, mkn puas2 tau =)

Aqeeda said...

maryam letak la pic scan baby dlm blog..mcm ibu2 lain tuh hehehe ;p

Unknown said...

huu tikah, taknak la sampai 5 months, kurus kering mrym cmni :(((( haha memang senang betul la tkah bersalin :P tq atas doa. mengidam tu, rasanya klu tak pregnant pun mengidam jugak hahaha memang genetic suka mengidam :p

alaa hidayah, td tak dpt amek gambar sebab athiq takleh masuk skali, so dia xdpt amek gambar. insyaAllah, ada rezqi, maryam balik malaysia nanti, ada gambar scan mrym letak k :D

Zatul Iffah Fakharuldin said...

tahniah akak