Bila diuji
Is it true?
Maaf di atas keluh dan resah
Aku tewas di medan jiwa ku
Kerna aku baru belajar
Belajar menjadi seorang mujahidah
Namun gagalku sementara cuma
Itulah iman dengan seribu gelombangnya
Kugagahi segala dengan doa dan cita
Kata-kataku mungkin hambar
Ia sekadar cerita hidupku
Isteri sepi menagih simpati
Agar dunia tahu dan restu
Pesan dari teman yang dikenali
”Wanita itu rusuknya bengkok
Bertegas..jangan keras
Berlembut..jangan sampai reput”
Itulah hakikat seorang isteri
Suka duka, tangis ria
Resepi hidup kita selamanya
Kupohon sabar darimu
Agar aku redup di bawah payungmu
Agar aku terang di bawah sinarmu
Agar aku mekar di dalam cintamu
Pergilah suamiku
Medan itu lebar dan luas
Engkau mujahid untuk semua
Kan kuiringkan doa dan cinta
Agar syurga Allah diberi balas
Tenang dirimu dalam doaku
Tenang diriku dalam cintamu..
9 Februari 2008
MAAFKANKU WAHAI SUAMIKadang-kadang aku rasa akulah
Isteri yang terlalu banyak menerima
Sedangkan engkau tak pernah meminta
Kadang-kadang aku rasa
Akulah isteri yang baru terjaga
Sedangkan engkau tak pernah terlena
Kadang-kadang ku bersuara tanpa berfikir
semua perkataan ku menjadi salah
Datanglah ke sini dan pegang tangan ku
Sementara ku cerita kehidupan isteri
Harap dimengerti
Kadang-kadang ku sakiti hati mu
Bila ku tolak sentuhan mu
Bukan bermaksud aku kurang menyayangi mu…
Namun cabaran terlalu
Kadang-kadang aku berubah pada pandangan mu
Tapi sayang, itu tidak benar
Tiada apa yang paling ku hargai
Daripada kehidupan manis bersama mu
Kadang-kadang ku fikir sejuta tahun
Adalah terlalu singkat
Hanya ku beritahu mu betapa sayangnya aku
Betapa syukurnya aku…
kau pelindung ku
Kadang-kadang berjauhan dengan mu
Akulah isteri yang terlalu tinggi bercita-cita…
Mencipta kerukunan keluarga
Namun aku tetap aku yang ini…
Maafkan aku wahai suami!
Ust Pahrol Mohd Juoi
Really, setahun dah??
Baby lagi
Guess WHAT???
Jordan tour Part 2
Jordan tour- Part 1
Ummi, I love you, really I love you!!!
I think it was expensive- a 5 minutes consultation + scan at JD 10 (RM50). Well, that's the price you pay to a consultant :( No medication, no lab test. But as I was desperate to do the scan, we tolerated :P
1st scan
Tahniah to those new wed couples!! :D
Zaman gelap
I'm irritable
9th June 2010
Syria travelling log.. Part 1
It was a harsh Friday morning with my fluctuating mood. I had my crying marathon the night before for some childish reasons (^_^) [my childish reasons range from the fear of being a barren-naudzubillahimindzaalik, homesickness to dissatisfaction when abang spend few hours socializing with his friend and leave me alone hahaha]. Abang slept late, after his subh prayer. And I woke up early (though in rebelliosity) to prepare fried potato wedges, fried chicken and crab sticks (mind you, those crab sticks were ‘powed’ by abang from his neighbour huuu). Hey, it was another trip Alhamdulillah J
At 10.40 am, we stepped out of the house door to enter the taxi door. At 11, we were already at the hudud (border). We changed to a sarfis, got our passport stamped twice (at the Jordan Border and the Syrian Border) . We then took a bus at 1pm and at 2 we arrived in Dimashq (Damascus). Alhamdulillah I have arrived in Damascus for the first time in my life with my beloved! I couldn’t help but to give a continuous running commentary, “Abang, buruknya” while abang replied with “Sayang, kita masuk dari Negara dunia ketigas ke Negara dunia ketiga lain”. Of course at that time I wasn’t aware that Syria has way TOO MUCH to offer!!! It was hot. Even hotter than Jordan. We arrived in Nahar Aisyah, waiting for a friend to fetch us up, and there were some kids licking ice creams! I made an ‘innocent’ statement, “Abang sedapnya kan ice cream tu..” so abang being such an understanding man haha lead me to walk few steps down the road, and there was a small grocery shop selling ice creams. So we bought and was surprised to find out that the price was actually 1/3 that of Jordan’s. That’s a good news indeed Alhamdulillah.
Few minutes later, Pian arrived with a colleague, Idham. Pian was abang’s colleague in DQ, and our friend in UIA. Currently spending a year in Syria to learn in depth about Islam, may Allah bless him and make him a pious and successful architect. (He’s an architecture grad). We went straight to a fully-furnished house that we rented for 2 days, within walking distance from Pian’s house. After settling down and performing the Jama’ qasar Zuhr & Asar prayer, we proceeded to his house where few other friends of us were waiting (they actually prepared our lunch!! Being all boys haha) I could see that abang was soo happy, extremely happy indeed with the reunion J And I was the black sheep, being the only lady in the house of 10 men! May Allah bless them for the delicious chicken curry, ikan bilis oreng kicap, roasted chickens (which of course were cooked in a restaurant haha) and more.
We then took a brief rest no more than 30 minutes before we proceeded to Maqam arba’in (a place where they believe 40 waliyullah disappeared in thin air huu. Just bear in mind that I’m not really into these kind of hush-hush stories.. well (wallahua’lam) We climbed some 600 steps to reach the maqam and a cave! Before we started on the first step, we ride on a van, which was driven extremely fast on such a windy, climbing and narrow lanes, and I was dead afraid to move an inch throughout the ride! The cave was believed to be the the place where Qabil murdered Habil. There was an imprinted (or rather carved) finger impressions/ depressions claimed to belong to Jibril. When Qabil committed the murder, a big rock (I don’t know from where did it originate) was about to fall on Qabil as a kind of punishment. But Jibril stopped it from falling onto him by using his hand thus the finger depressions. Nearby there was a stone (larger than me) exactly the shape of a mouth in awe. The stone was surprised (or rather shock) to witness the first murder on earth. The bad news is.. there were 3 openings (which I’m not very sure of the history), I peeped inside and saw bank notes from various countries and love letters!! Again, it’s the kurafat thingy. Abang was very excited to find a Malaysian bank note haha, org Malaysia kan memang suka kurafat2 nih, but we found none. In another corner of the cave, there were 2 sejadah, indicating 2 praying areas. 1 was claimed to be the place of Ibadah of Prophet Ibrahim and another one of Prophet Khidr. We regretted for not bringing our compass to determine the qiblah.. because before the time of prophet Muhammad, it should be facing Palestine. Visitors prayed in those two areas but I was afraid to do so, I mean I don’t know how true everything was, and I was afraid that doing things without knowledge would only lead to kesesatan etc. Cameras were not allowed, but as I couldn’t see any rational point, I urged abang to take few pictures of mine haha secretly of course! The guardian of that place was a man in his 30s, who was so strict, but when abang requested to take a picture of the key to that place (which happen to be bigger than my palm, ancient and extremely photogenic haha) he cooperated. Maybe I was the only person who requested to do so as he was surprised when we asked him huu. (may be he was even surprised that I noticed that key. Well I practically notice anything that appears antique. And that key was exactly like the one in Secret garden huu)
At around Maghrib prayer, we climbed down, and took another bus to Jabal Qasim. It was a hill where upon being on top of it, one can view the whole of Damascus. The night view was so overwhelming and enchanting! People just come there, have picnic with their family, many hawkers try making a living selling corn, drinks, cotton candy, ‘shisha’ and such. After an hour, we decided to call it a day and went back. The first day was so tiring and we slept at around 12am. I couldn’t sleep though, I’m one person who has difficulty in adapting to a new environment and those geli-geli feeling towards the bedding and such huu.
I insisted to ride the camel (as I have never experienced of before), but abang hesitated initially. He was all over this big bum thingy, it’s not good for a woman when everybody would stare etc . Finally he agreed and we rode together hehe for 40 lyra. But I guess there wasn’t any romantic air as I was all the time thinking what if I fall down, what if… The camel was a gedik one you know, the one that walked gedikly in its own lenggang lenggok huu. After each ride, it would be fed (and even if the owner didn’t feed her, she helped herself to a bucket of tapioca!! Memang kegedikan terserlah) And it had a mobile toilet! Hehe a bucket was tied to her bum, so that it won’t you know berak rata-rata.
At around 7.30, we headed for Khalid al-Walid mosque..and here I’ve a very interesting story to tell.. later insyaAllah :D
We arrived home at 12am, and that night I slept well alhamdulillah...
Not so good a news
Hospital life is nowhere near interesting..for 1 sole reason, I simply can't understand the language (depressed). Imagine joining a clinic session for 2 hours without understanding what is going on..except when the specialist offer few valuable knowledges. Ward is definitely better with the english-written BHT (bed-head ticket). Anyway I am all the time prepared should anybody ask "Do you gain anything?". Haaa of course! My time well spent with abang :p Twice a week I join the endoscopy, get to see few interesting findings at least.. I'm currently attaching to the gastroenterology unit (and wonder how do I end up in that unit huhuuu)
Abang had his exam yesterday and today. 3 more papers in the line. In the midst of preparing for exam, I disturbed him with my elective. He actually accompanied me in the ward, endoscopy room and clinic. Sigh~sigh I just can't wait for the elective to be over. I managed to complete few notes which I am slowly uploading to the blog..those who want them do celebrate :) I can't believe that I am actually eager to embark the journey of final year.. what???!!! Perhaps because I perceive the old and crumbling HTAA is very much better compared to the foreign slick KAUH hehe.
Abang is still in the hospital, and me? Surfing the net for I skipped (~_^) the round today. It is really boring when he is not around, and now is the time should anybody find me passed out, it is purely due to boredom!! I think this rindu-rinduan is getting malignant when I start to miss him the few seconds he spend in the toilet. Or perhaps because he sulks more than ever, suka merajuk-rajukan with me thus the need for me to either be more stern (jgn pujuk org yg merajuk ok) or to fall for the trick (silalah pujuk dengan bersungguh-sungguh). But I choose the third option which is to merajuk together hahaha. Abang must be very disappointed (^_^). I am suddenly reminded of the verse "Alyauma akmaltu lakum deenakum watmamtu alaikum ni'mati waradhitulakumul islaam madeena" A verse when read by Rasulullah s.aw. induced Abu Bakr to cry.. Why? Because when Islam had been perfected, it meant Rasulullah's responsibility had come to an end..and so was his life.. The end of elective posting for me means the end of my holiday in Jordan..and in the near future, again abang and me have to brave the life alone... (T_T)
Come to think of it, there is 1 thing about Jordan that I really like- the Olive tree... it is practically seen everywhere..and there are few in abang's yard. Gazing upon this shady tree, I feel the aura of being in an arabic country.. And gazing upon it always reminds me of the Surah at-Tiin. Speaking of arabic, abang openly showed his dislike towards tudung arini (the indon headscarf), I mean he dislikes me wearing it, telling me that I look exactly just like an indonesian [and it just happens that indonesian maid are abundant in Jordan huuu (T_T)] So I answered in rebelliosity (teruknya huu) "Kalau dah macam indon, kita buatla kisah Ayat-ayat Cinta kat sini" ?????!!!!!