Ni name kucing-kucing yang pernah hidup with me semenjak kecik till now (not to mention that i was dead afraid of cats when i was small and allergic to cat bile dah besar hahaha)
1. Pakwe (Striped black & white, mcm cicak)
2. Makwe (patch black & white, isteri pakwe, who later died of stomach cancer which bursted)
3. Sumini shampoo (because her fur was so soft!)
4. Kuning (later died of demam)
5. Puss (later died of euthanasia. we cried for days!)
6. Selekiah (grey, macam my grandma's called Dab/ Dabun coz kaler sama mcm kaler debu)
7. Nigga (giler comel, patch black + orange + white + brown n ntah apa2 kaler lg. u can imagine like a colour palette was thrown on its body!)
8. Tot (patch black & white, till now!)
haha. banyaknya koleksi kucin2 maryam nehh.hak nama kuning tu dia mati sbb jaundice ka? tot sihat?nama dia cem nama niza ja.haha
eh perasan nama comel tul niza nih, nape nama tot cam nama niza lak?? hehe. emm kuning tu sebab bulu dia warna kuning. tak sempat wat FBP ke, or apa2 test nak confirm dia demam & mati sebab apa ehehe
maryam, maryam.adik niza kata pic kucing maryam tu cem dia nak amik gambaq utk matric card..hehe. comey sungguh la..
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