

Projek ibu dan anak lalala~

Budak yang suka dengan bantal banyak!!!! Sampai golek2 atas bantal, daddy kata macam kucing ;p
A is for Apple, B is for bee, C is for car and clouds

G is for giraffe. Eh giraf takde mata and mulut lagi
N is for nest

T is for tree, S is for sun (snake tak siap lagi)

I just want to share a project which I've started not a long time ago, still under construction and yet to be finished ;D

Tentulah projek ibu yang banyak sangat masa hehe

I started teaching faheem ABC, alif ba ta and numbers since few months ago. Well till now I don't know whether he understands any of it, he can't even speak haha~ I don't mind anyway, it is just a fun playtime activity and of course I'm not that serious as for now.

Since we came back to Jordan, I [ehemm-cough, cough] have been informed that Piyah aka Pipi aka Safiyya Amani has been attending homeschool- kat rumah nenek! Well that kinda motivated me to [cough *you know] be at least at par with the our great homeschool teacher- NENEK! We learnt to read at quite a young age, taught by Ummi. in fact I attended kindergarten for 2 days only, before I quickly became fed-up with the morning session (because i had to wake up early haha).

BUT only RECENTLY... I received a super trustable news from the very great teacher herself (NENEK) that Pipi actually goes to school for 1 hour per day only which is from 12pm to 1pm. And out of that 1 hour, she only studies for 5 to 10 minutes depending on her mood, and spend the rest of the time roaming nenek's house!!! How funny my dear pipi hehe. Miss her much!

So back to my home-kindergarten, I made ABC cards and paste them on Ameer faheem's bedroom wall. And I drew and cutout pictures as example for each letter.

Here goes:

A is for apple
B is for bee
C is for car and clouds
D is for Daddy
E is for elephant
F is for faheem
G is for giraffe
H is for house
I is for inchworm
J is for Jamalun (Camel)
k is for kite
L is for lion
M is for mummy
N is for Nest
O is for owl and orange
P is for panda and pumpkin
Q is for quack
R is for rabbit and rainbow
S is for snake and sun
T is for tree
U is for umbrella
V is for vegetables
W is for Wolf
X is for X-ray
Y is for yellow yacht
Z is for zebra

Well really i have no other things to do...see I list down everything from A to Z!!! Hahahaha~

But as mentioned before, the project is still underway. So I post the pics of few examples which I have pasted. Well let's make learning a joyful experience! :D


Farah said...

I did the same too. Draw and paste things on his wall. But just things that he is interested in, dinasour and bear. He seems to be bored with ABC, has much at school perhaps. But I think if you keep teaching Ameer Faheem, he actually understand because like Aqeef he goes to school, once he comes home, he shows me his homework and what he learnt. Sometimes he gives me his book to remind me that he got homework to do. Baby does understands if we teach him.

'atiqah said...

interesting! sangat =). Dun worry. Baby macam tak faham, tapi sebenarnya dia absorb dengan sangat cepat. Kalau tak, takdelah dia balik rumah, bawak mcam2 lagu dari sekolah dia tu =p Btw, keep up the good work tau. I'm so jealous that u have extra time with faheem all these days tau =)

Unknown said...

alaa bestnye ibu2 semua dapat hantar anak g sekolah!!!! faheem duk rumah ni macam dah mati kutu sebab dia takde kawan :( hehe tulah dia faham je kan sebenarnya. tp budak2 memang suka lagu kan? faheem sekarang suka dengar lagu animal sound song, pastu suka tiru, roar mcm lian, growl mcm bear, meow etc haha. lawak tgk dia tiru.

i'm soo jealous that u can go to work!

Unknown said...

btw farah, aqeef tak makan buku ke? kalu bagi buku kat faheem, confirm dia ngap!

Farah said...

At first, dia ngap buku juga. But then daddy approached him using light punish method, siapa gigit buku tak boleh baca buku atau tak boleh main certain toys yang dia sangat2 suka.After few times, he learns and tak berani rosakkan buku dah.Kalau tak dulu buku saya, buku daddy, paperwork daddy pun habis dia makan.