

6 more months....

I am halfway into medical posting, my fifth.. to reach final seems to take forever... and that comes from someone who always get everything easy! (as abang said it for uncountable times). Not fair? Hmm. Finishing housemanship means I start to plan for a new and more realistic life :p and oh probably fast entering the world of makcik makcik. I've a new hobby; collecting tableware. Hohoho. How ancient do I sound?

Life is hard as it always is. Abang always tell me that Allah bestows me with an easy life, easy job and easy everything. But Allah is the most fair. Each and every srvant is being tested in different ways. I am affected with abang's 'hardlife' :p. Abang always tell me that he is a fighter, that he gets everything through hardship. I seriously think that is true. He is the type of people who struggles. And he is the most patient person ive ever met, as patient as ummi. I come back late from work feeling tired and abang will comfort me, become the backbone that I always depend on. And oh he gives me a maid to finish the household chores, to entertain faheem whenever I feel tired and need my beauty sleep. Abang comes back home late and exhausted, he has to comfort me for not always being around. I seriously dont know how do we do the math here. It is just so wrong...

Last night we watched movie- paycheck. We have watched that before.. in jordan. It reminds me of our previous life. I never want to go back to that point, but I kinda miss being a wife who bakes every single day hehe.

Life is such a test and im glad I have abang to walk with me.. oh allah make us YOur grateful servants. .

1 comment:

Nisa Doltiu said...

Mudah-mudahan dengan segala kesabaran di atas kesusahan itu akn Allah swt berikan ganjaran kebaikan dan kerahmatan yang berpanjangan...

Sehingga kita lupa yang kita pernah berasa susah...