

Public rambling

insyaAllah i have 3 more weeks before i finish medical, that's the case if i'm not extended of course. i'm good so far insyaAllah. i've passed my viva, alhamdulillah, with a mark that makes me smile, alhamdulillah :) ive completed my logbook, ready to submit it. may allah guide me through the remaining weeks till i finish..

my consultant asked me what do i want to do in the future, i said im not sure. she 'suggested' medical-based specialization, i smiled. i smile when i imagine my untouched mrcp book, i smiled when i remember my mrcp questions that were left unanswered and untried, i smiled when people keep asking me when do i plan to take the exam, i smiled when i can only wonder how motivation can just disappear into thin air.

Lazy, i think that's it. Tired, Yes , Crappy. defintiely. Drained. no doubt.

i ramble regarding all the nice things in my life, and i ramble regarding all the not-nice things in life which don't sound real anyway, that doesnt mean i have a life that is so different from anybody else in the planet. haha. i keep most of the real things to myself, that is what public rambling is all about :)

somehow i miss going out shopping with Asma' :(( my house-wife sister who was always available for a hangout. the first person i always call on my first day of end posting holiday or end of sem hol when i was a student (truth is i call way long before my holiday and plan early hehe). Korea is so far away :(

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